You all know by now I’m a huge fan of the Samsung Frame TV. It’s been a game changer in terms of interior decorating in my home. No more big black boxes, but instead beautiful art with custom frames. Here are my best tips for how to make your Frame TV look like art.
Hide the wires and the boxes.

Like all TVs, Frame TVs have some wiring. Unlike most TVs the Samsung Frame comes with only one thin wire that connects to a separate box. You then can connect all your external equipment (cable boxes, video game consoles, etc) to the box. This makes it easier to geth away with hiding all of those devices. I’m not saying you have to put the wires and the One Connect box in the wall. The TV in my living has the wire hanging down, but hidden by a conduit painted the same color as the wall and then that’s hidden behind a decorative box.
The TV in my bedroom does have the wire hidden in the wall, and the TV in my basement has the wire hanging down but tucked between the stone in the fireplace then it is fed behind some curtains over to a table with all of the boxes and devices. People ask me all the time “where’s the cable box?”.
In short, there’s lot of options for how to manage the wires and box. The wire that connects to the box is SUPER long, like 15’+. So you have plenty of area to hide anything you need to.
Make sure your TV has some sort of frame or bezel.

Yup, when you buy a Frame TV, it doesn’t actually come with any sort of decorative piece, it just has a black thin frame around it. If you want it to look more like art, you can BUY a plastic bezel separately. Those run $100+ (my tip is to buy a used one from Amazon, you’ll save tons of money).
But if you REALLY want it to look like framed art, you can either shell our hundreds of dollars for a thicker wooden frame online, or do like I did and build your own.
It really wasn’t that complicated. All it takes is four pieces of trim cut to fit around your tv, and pieced together. I then used industrial Velcro to attach it to the TV. Voila!
Pick the right type of art

My second tip is to use digital art that has a painterly style; something where you can see the brush strokes. Now that’s just my own personal preference. I’ve seen people use photos, or modern art and it looks fine. But I think those paintings where there’s some texture involve tend to look more like real art in a frame.
Turn down the brightness.

When your TV is in art mode, you have the option to pick how bright the display is. I have mine set at 2. That’s really dim, but if you think about it, framed art doesn’t glow from within.
I think the new Frame TVs even have a non-glare screen so even in the bright daylight there’s no reflection. Pretty cool!