If you’re thinking about refreshing or renovating your bathroom, today’s your lucky day! I’m showcasing dupes for three beautiful bathroom vanities from our favorites stores: Pottery Barn, West Elm and Crate & Barrel. Let’s dive right in, shall we?

First up is this gorgeous vanity from Pottery Barn. I love that it has a toe kick. It's solid oak and comes with hardware. Vanities with legs have been trending for awhile, but a toe kick can still look fabulous as evidenced here. This PB vanity retails starting at $3,099.
I found an IDENTICAL vanity for $1,607 with FREE SHIPPING! This one even comes with a widespread faucet in addition to hardware. Can you see a difference between the two? Cause I sure can’t!

Next up is this mid-century dream from West Elm retailing at $4,399. I actually found two dupes for this one. One is nearly identical, the other is very close.
This nearly identical version is $3,450 with a savings of $950, which is pretty good (but it was $3,300 a few days ago so I would watch for a bit to see if the price goes back down).
Here's another option that has the same feel as the West Elm version and it's only $1,399 with free shipping which is an amazing deal for any vanity.

Finally we have this beauty from Crate & Barrel. It's $3,499 and ultra modern and luxe. To be honest I didn't even realize Crate & Barrel sold vanities until recently, but they have some beautiful designs.
I found another that's not an exact match, but it's fairly close. Again it has free shipping. The fact that it's half the price of the Crate & Barrel one is a huge advantage.
Let me know which is your favorite in the comments!